Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Work in Progress Transcendental Experience and phenomena

Humanities interaction with different aspects of transcendental realities has been a long and interesting relationship. Many different kinds of systems, substances, techniques, practices.. have been used for as long as humanity has been around to bring about different states of consciousness along with different functioning of the body. Allowing access to various non-ordinary and altered states of consciousness . that allow for a wide range of mystical and spiritual experience and phenomena within the mind-body along with a wide range of out of body experiences. Many of these out of body experiences and interactions with various seemingly conscious aspects of transcendental reality have been a source of influx for information, inspiration, imagination, understanding..ect since the beginning of our humanity.These capacities and various abilities of interacting with transcendental reality have been a large factor in what has made us human and separates us to a great degree from the animals.
Early cultures figured out that alterations in perceptions for extended periods of time or in particular ways bring about changes in the person overall consciousness and being. Making various things that were seemingly impossible for most of the group possible to the few who have developed or used pre-established forms of specialized techniques such as breathing techniques, postures,methods of relaxation, intellection.. ect. Skill sets for navigating and working with these internal realities and the interaction of the internal and external realities. Languages of symbols, gestures, ideas and many other medium can and have been used in the past to make interaction with the transcendental function more smoothly. it seems bodily techniques could have came about through our experiences hunting when extended periods of time spent concentrating and meditating could have brought about altered states naturally also after hunting for hours various techniques for relaxation would have been vary important to stay healthy. These different states of consciousness allowed access to the future, past and deeper layers of our present reality also transcendental aspects of reality that provided gnosis and insight in to the functioning of nature itself.
As Techniques became more advanced and technologies were found in the various environments and used to come to particular outcomes. Consciousness advances further deepening our interaction and relationship with nature along with transforming and informing a intimate relationship with transcendental reality. The discovery, focus, and understanding of these transcendental capacities and aspects of our own nature has been the main focus of at least part of almost all spiritual and religions traditions and endeavor. A quality that isn't dependent on the body and its limitations in time-space, seemingly acting in a wider reality. The importance and accuracy of the information and understanding brought back to the rest of the community from these experiences is dependent on the skill and wisdom of the person using the techniques and having the experience.
Drumming, dancing, singing, trance, glossolalia the use of hallucinogens and psychedelics along with the many different practices of mediation, prayer, ritual, magic, yogic and tantric techniques are just some of the many different systems used to aid people in their pursuits into higher or subtler aspects of ultimate reality in search of wisdom, knowledge, information, power, insight ,inspiration to further explore reality itself. Transcendental points of focus have been experienced and used by many people all through out time. Focusing on transcendental qualities transforms the very nature of our experience and how we view and understand the world. This quest for the transcendental in its various forms has been highlighted all through out human history as it has taken the form of magical stones, foods, liquid, elixirs such as the philosophers stone, the elixir of immortality, the elixir of life, argent vive, fountain of youth, nectar, mana, amrita, soma.. various substances have been imbued with divine qualities and consumed such as with transubstantiation of the bread and wine of the holy sacrament.  Transcendental experiences have been a source of divine speech and languages such as the language of the birds, Twilight language, and many different forms of angelic and magical languages and systems of holy words and letters designed especially to interact with transcendental aspects of nature, reintegrating these transcendental qualities in to our conscious being.
The Quest or Journey towards a transcendental enviroment, object or search for relationships and union with a transcendental being is a classic theme in accounts, myths, stories reflecting the real experience of interaction with transcendental realties stretching back before history. Stories such as the holy grail, odysseus, the golden fleece. Journeys into the underworld and flights into heaven and hell have been a common experience in dreams, visions and mystical experiences. it is no coincidence this questing after transcendental nature has been the goal of many cultures. These transcendental realities and experiences are what has given power to various people before politics in many different cultures and societies for thousands of years. The value of particular aspects of the experiences are highlighted and specialized in depending on the type and quality of information to be worked with. The Hero of the quest is a transcendental element himself, importance of the individuals understanding, courage and skill are always a important factor in the spiritual traditions of man. The shaman, adept, magician, alchemist, yogi, tantrika, priest and many others are on the forefront of the interaction and understanding of transcendental realities outside of normal experience. The various means, methods and process of refining and altering our perceptions and body to bring about particular out comes have been laid out time and time again in similar fashion.

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