Saturday, May 7, 2011

Apollo The Lyre and Divine Frenzy

Apollo is represented with a lyre as his common symbol also a deity of prophesy as a source of divine frenzy and inspiration. The lyre seems a obvious symbol for divine Frenzy as it exhibits the idea of ordered harmonies and resonances between different orders of harmonies as one string on the lyre is struck so others vibrate without being touched.This seems to be the exact idea behind how divine inspiration and frenzy work along with being a good representation of the shaking of the body that accompanies in trance states, states of frenzy and inspiration.Many ideas for Dancing and music could and in some cases probably did come from the shaking, moving and singing of Oracles. 
Theres a Resonance of lower natures with higher natures, resonances between energy structures or frequencies of different harmonies. As a connection is made through harmony this sets up a energetic relationship, a imbalance is created and the higher energy flows to the lower or the lower to higher or they flow towards each other any of these bringing the energetic relationship to equilibrium at a different level.

("I was offering torma, water and insense during the prayer. Then suddenly i went into trance it was the first appearance of Nechung( Nechung Oracle - The feeling i had was that initially my body trembled and shook my heartbeat accelerated I was alittle afraid, suddenly there was a flash of a white light after that I was unconscious.")

From Plotinus about magic
"The prayer is answered by the mere fact that part and other part are wrought to one tone like a musical string which, plucked at one end, vibrates at the other also. Often, too, the sounding of one string awakens what might pass for a perception in another, the result of their being in harmony and tuned to one musical scale; now, if the vibration in a lyre affects another by virtue of the sympathy existing between them, then certainly in the All- even though it is constituted in contraries- there must be one melodic system; for it contains its unisons as well, and its entire content, even to those contraries, is a kinship."

"They do not understand how that which separates unites with itself; it is a harmony of oppositions like that of the bow and of the lyre" - Heraclitus

The Sistrum of Isis and the Indian and Tibetan deities seem to give a similar impression in regards to the whole universe being musical harmonies and vibration.

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