Tuesday, November 30, 2010

some old dmt prep that works for alot of meditation and life:)

completely let go don't analyse don't think completely let the experience take hold relax it will be over in minuets no matter how bad or good let it flow to the fullest extent really dive deep in to the world beyond
trust without trusting the mind and body and most of all totality which cradles us at all times

set back and rest in the supreme self arising nature the mantras and mandalas of the universe

calm myself do some stretches some meditation just a few minutes vow of good intentions to have clarity peace and be able to retain and understand the wisdom of the experience let the larger force take hold  think about the great experience one is about to be given it is a very special occasion step back and see the bigger picture let the universal consciousness flow threw you

let the mind go


don't be afraid embrace the terror

the mind always comes back trust the universe let go
don't let other experiences influence my own just let go and go on a journey beyond the mind
i really want to take a trip out of this universe for awhile
the true aspect of our being is always always everything and nothing no terror exist by itself without the most bliss our true nature is timeless spaceless more intricate then we can imagine don't try to hold to ones little concepts  of how things are suppose to be let go and beyond
little concepts  just box our being we are not the mind or the body we are both and beyond
try not to be so over whelmed by the exit of consciousness embrace it to the fullest extent let it flow
don't focus on the ego at all be clear embrace the lager aspect of our nature the aspect embracing all of reality at all times

only happens if you are ready have a open student/child mind don't try to change

complete integration and incorporation

effortless meaning one has to expend no effort

don't be afraid don't let the personal ego ruin the experience
truly surrender

take the red pill

we never get anything we are not qualified for

its about the journey in to the true nature

surrender and just be

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