Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yoga, Tantra, Zen, Magick, Mysticism, Alchemy,Shamenism

Aghori 1/6

Aghora (literally, "non-terrifying") is the spiritual path that seeks to negate all that is ghora ("terrible, terrifying") in life. The ghora encompasses all those experiences that most people find intolerable, for almost everyone is as ready to enjoy life's pleasures as they are to avoid misery. Most spiritual advisers admonish their devotees to shy away from the ghora, but aghoris (practitioners of Aghora) embrace the ghora fervidly, for what most terrifies an aghori is the prospect of becoming mired in duality. Aghoris go so far into the ghora that the ghora becomes tolerable to them; diving deeply into darkness, an aghori finally surfaces into light. No means to awakening is too disgusting or frightening for an aghori, for Aghora is the Path of the Shadow of Death, the path that forcibly separates an individual from attachment to every ordinary self-descriptor. 

Shiva's Flesh

Agori Santus are those Hindus that according to the myth eat semi-burned corpses, in order to raise closer to their godlike spirit. Do they exist or not? If they exist can we call them paranoiac cannibals or are they human beings who live in a reality that is impossible to be understood from us? Or even more, are they "little Gods" that we must respect them?

Extreme Pilgrim - Hinduism

hinduism extreme pilgrimage Pete Owen-Jones, a vicar in a Sussex parish, is dissatisfied with some aspects of his faith and sets off on three extreme pilgrimages to China, India and Egypt to explore Zen Buddhism, Hinduism and ascetic Christianity. Pete feels that the Church of England is too much a faith of the head, and not enough a faith of the soul, the heart or even the body. He now sets off on a quest in search of a more physical and mystical path to enlightment. Pete says: "What I'm looking for is a spirituality that is absent from western Christianity. A spirituality I know exists in the extremes of world religions. "I hope to enter worlds where rule book and doctrine are replaced by an individual relationship with God and where the attainment of enlightenment is won by hardship, privation and pain. I have to become an extreme pilgrim."

Amongst White Clouds

Documentary about buddhist hermit traditions in the chinese woods.

The Zen Mind 1/6

Documentary about Zen Buddhism

A Day in the Life of a Zen Monk - EmptyMind Films

A trailer that shows the daily life of a zen monk in a large soto-zen monastery in Japan.

Extreme Pilgrim - China

Shaolin Monastery Pete arrives at the famous Shaolin Temple, a seven-hour train journey from Beijing in the Hevan Province, right in the centre of China. The Shaolin Monastery occupies a central place in Chinese cultural history, as it is the ancestral home of all martial arts. Pete says "The Church of England in particular is incredibly intellectual. You know, huge libraries full of books and theological bookshops. But we don't do anything physical. It's going to be very challenging indeed." Pete is thrown straight into a gruelling routine of Kung Fu, the central technique in Chan Buddhism (also known as Zen Buddhism in Japan)

Mystic Iran The Unseen World (amazing sufi movie)

Dedicated to the women of Iran

Beyond Theology Mysticism Perennial Philosophy Charles Atkins, Jr 1

Beyond Theology Mysticism and the Perennial Philosophy hoasted by Charles Atkins, Jr
According to Huxley, the perennial philosophy is: The metaphysic that recognizes a divine Reality substantial to the world of things and lives and minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to, or even identical with, divine Reality; the ethic that places man's final end in the knowledge of the immanent and transcendent Ground of all being; the thing is immemorial and universal. Rudiments of the perennial philosophy may be found among the traditional lore of primitive peoples in every region of the world, and in its fully developed forms it has a place in every one of the higher religions. (The Perennial Philosophy, p. vii).

The sequel to ESOTERIC AGENDA.

Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed Part 1/8

Much of Alchemy is misunderstood and shrouded in mystery within magickal and fraternal orders, it is our goal to unravel some of the aspects which remain hidden behind conventional history.

Terence McKenna - The Alchemical Dream Rebirth of the Great Work

Terence McKenna presentation/documentary on Alchemy and " The Great Work 

The MindScape of Alan Moore

Alan Moore writer, artist and performer is the world’s most critically acclaimed and widely admired creator of comic books and graphic novels. In The Mindscape of Alan Moore we see a portrait of the artist as contemporary shaman, someone with the power to transform consciousness by means of manipulating language, symbols and images.

Deepak Chopra and Grant Morrison: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Super-heroes

Virgin Comics presents literary icons Deepak Chopra (How to Know God and co-founder of Virgin Comics) and Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman) in a far-ranging discussion about Dark Knights, Devis, and the development of tomorrow's mythologies in this special Comic-Con exclusive event.

Grant Morrison - Disinfo Speech

how to use magic to hack into the matrix, expand your consciousness & get laid! this is full of important information, experience & humour which is great if you're interested in consciousness / spirituality / 2012 / magic / quantum physics / nwo / ET disclosure... enjoy!

Goetia Solomon Magick I

Video by Carroll Poke Runyon about Goetia Magick.

The Other Loch Ness Monster pt 1 - Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley Masters Of Darkness 1 of 3

Manly P. Hall - Mysteries Of The Astral Light - SIDE A - Pt 1/5

Manly Palmer Hall was a Canadian-born author and mystic. He is perhaps most famous for his work The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, published in 1928 when he was 27 years old.

Shamanism - Ancient Astronauts Pt.1

Documentary on the history of shamanism & shamanic practice in various cultures throughout human history.

Shamanism - Other Worlds - Ayahuasca Documentary

Ayahuasca is used largely as a religious sacrament. Those whose usage of ayahuasca is performed in non-traditional contexts often align themselves with the philosophies and cosmologies associated with ayahuasca shamanism, as practiced among indigenous peoples like the Urarina of Peruvian Amazonia. 

Real shamanism - Real shamans

Documentary about real shamans

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